From the perspective of a citizen-Web user, what forms of political action might the presidential campaign sites in 2000 have catalyzed? This article explores the online structure – conceptualised as an electronic space within which an individual is given an opportunity to act -- for political action engendered by presidential campaign Web sites in the 2000 U.S. election. The Web sites of the thirteen presidential campaigns that were active in the 2000 American election are surveyed and analyzed. We find that the online structure facilitated both online and offline political action, and illustrate several dimensions of this phenomenon.
CNKI Scholar; Communication Abstracts; Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS); Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA); Peace Research Abstracts; Research Alert; Sage Public Administration Abstracts; ScienceDirect; Scopus (Elsevier); Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI); Social SciSearch; Sociological Abstracts.
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