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Populism and Nationalism: Constructing and Representing ‘the People’ as Underdog and Nation, Vol. 24 - 2017, No. 4

Guest Edited by Benjamin De Cleen and Yannis Stavrakakis

Revisiting the Nationalism/Populism Nexus: Lessons from the Greek Case

, , pages: 391-408

This article explores the relationship between people and nation by focusing on the Greek case, which has attracted considerable political and media attention throughout the last few years. The article traces the ways in which populism and nationalism have been related within Greek political culture diachronically, inclusive of the current crisis conjuncture. We follow this trajectory from the 1940s and the Greek Civil War up until today in order to capture the unexpectedly dynamic and ambivalent relationship between the two and account for its multiple mutations. The conclusions drawn from this country-specific exploration are expected to have wider implications for populism research internationally.

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