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The Liquefaction of Publicness: Communication, Democracy and the Public Sphere in the Internet Age, Vol. 25 - 2018, No. 1

Translation as Politics

, pages: 127-134

The experience of translation is read through the experience of Untranslatables, as symptoms of differences between languages: not what one does not translate, but what one does not stop (not) translating. The Dictionary of Untranslatables shows how we philosophise not only, or not primarily, in concepts, but in tongues. It provides a way between Globish, which pays no attention to languages as such, and ontological nationalism, Heidggerian type, for which Greek and German are the only philosophical languages. Translation could then be defined as a know-how with differences. As such, it has to be considered as a good paradigm for human sciences as well as a political committment for contemporary citizenship.

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