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Javnost - The Public, Vol. 31 - 2024, Suplement

Guest Edited by Jernej Kaluža and Sašo Slaček Brlek

Kaj hoče ljudstvo? Problem javnega mnenja pri Heglu in sicer

, pages: S1-S13[open access]

Po Habermasu se je javnost oblikovala kot protiutež absolutistični državi, kot glas ljudstva, ki tako rekoč od zunaj nadzoruje delovanje državnih institucij. Sledeč Fraser, ki opozarja na zgodovinske in politične predpostavke tako razumljene javnosti in javnega mnenja, skušamo v članku osvetliti spremembe, ki izhajajo iz demokratične revolucije, ko tudi država postane izraz volje ljudstva. Kar je bil prej odnos med dvema skoraj samostojnima entitetama, se s tem preoblikuje v odnos ljudstva do samega sebe. V prispevku je najprej predstavljeno, kako je to dvojnost pod naslovom varanja ljudstva obravnaval Hegel kot ključni mislec moderne politične misli. Na koncu je na kratko navedeno, kateri nauki izhajajo iz tega za preučevanje javnega mnenja. Tako imenovana kriza javnega mnenja je toliko v resnici kriza države.

What Does the People Want? The Problem of Public Opinion in Hegel and Beyond

According to Habermas, the public sphere emerged against the backdrop of the absolutist state, as the voice of the people designed to control the actions of the state institutions. Following Fraser, who rightly emphasises the historical and political presuppositions of such a public sphere and public opinion, the article examines the implications of the establishment of democracy, when the state, too, becomes an expression of the people’s will. What was previously a relationship between two rather independent entities is thus transformed into a relationship within the people itself. In this paper, we examine how this incongruity of the people with itself was treated by Hegel as the key thinker of modern political thought. In the end, we briefly identify some lessons that emerge for the study of the public sphere. The so-called crisis of public opinion turns out to be a crisis of the state.

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