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Javnost - The Public, Vol. 31 - 2024, Suplement

Guest Edited by Jernej Kaluža and Sašo Slaček Brlek

Upravljanje umetne inteligence v evropskem digitalnem ekosistemu: kontekstualizacija, razvoj in trendi

, , pages: S32-S47[open access]

Prispevek obravnava razvoj modela upravljanja t. i. evropskega digitalnega ekosistema in upravljanja sistemov umetne inteligence (UI) v družbenopolitičnih pogojih upodatkovljenja. Besedilo identificira mesto UI v evropskem digitalnem ekosistemu, pri čemer slednjega tudi ustrezno definira. Glavna teza raziskave, da je treba regulacijske namere upravljanja sistemov UI razumeti znotraj širšega evropskega digitalnega ekosistema, ki ga je treba kontekstualizirati znotraj epistemoloških okvirov Evropske unije, je razdelana na podlagi teoretskega pristopa Iana Mannersa (2008), ki EU v svojih analizah označi za svetovno normativno politično silo. Tako raziskava s sekundarno analizo, ki poleg literature vključuje še analizo dokumentov, kot so pripravljalni dokumenti Evropske komisije, gradiva in študije delovnih skupin na področju UI Organizacije združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo (UNESCO) ter Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD), pokaže na umeščenost evropskega digitalnega ekosistema v normativno politično dediščino EU, kar se odraža tudi na ravni upravljanja sistemov UI.

Managing artificial intelligence in the European digital ecosystem: contextualisation, developments and trends

This paper examines the development of a governance model for the so-called European digital ecosystem and its management of artificial intelligence (AI) systems within the socio-political conditions of datafication. The text identifi es the role of AI in the European digital ecosystem, which is also appropriately defined. The main thesis of the research—that the regulatory intentions for managing AI systems should be understood within the broader European digital ecosystem, contextualized within the epistemological frameworks of the European Union is elaborated using the theoretical approach of Ian Manners (2008), who in his analyses describes the EU as a global normative political power. The research, through secondary analysis, which includes not only existing literature but also the analysis of documents such as preparatory documents of the European Commission, materials, and studies from working groups in the fi eld of AI from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), demonstrates the positioning of the European digital ecosystem within the normative political legacy of the EU, which is also reflected in the governance of AI systems.

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