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Communication and peace - A tribute to Michael Traber, Vol. 14 - 2007, No. 4
Building Logos via Communication Media: Facilitating Peace Through Reconciliation
Developing the means for reconciliation is a necessary context within which peace may be facilitated in posttraumatic societies. This development becomes even more critical among peoples who need to reconcile difference following the affliction of, and the suff ering from, great pain and loss. Walking the paths toward peace requires, among other things, that interested parties, assisted by communication facilitators, create and utilise development of participatory communications media, journalistic practices and pedagogy of intercultural reconciliation in which all actors believe that they have meaningful voices and interests. The more we communicate with one another through respectful dialogue, the more we can discover the universality of our own desires; we are, in essence, one in this Spirit. Communication projects in support of reconciliation efforts must go in two directions in order to be most effective: without and within. Reconciliation between individuals and groups (without) can only succeed the degree to which individuals and groups also embrace reconciliation among themselves (within).